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The Vision of West Coast Word Church is centered around John 10:10 (AMP); The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].”

Pastors Aaron and Angie desire to reveal the goodness of God from every platform. Due to a lack of knowledge, the world has a distorted view of God. When the uncompromised word of God is preached with faith, the character of God as a loving Father is made known .

This church is commissioned to teach God’s people their covenant rights and to show them how to walk in the Blessing of the Lord. The heart of West Coast Word Church is to be  an ever-increasing local church with a global impact. The Pastors have heard from the Lord to not only continue to expand and grow a healthy church, but also to charter a school and radio station to further spread the Gospel to the world.  To train the saints of God to walk in the fullness of God’s promises and win the world to Christ!